
Welcome to my blog. I hope we can help each other endure the pain of the addiction of a daughter or son.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ripped Off By Dollar Rent A Car of Tuscon

    The car was advertised at 140 per week. We added an additional driver and two more days. The two additional days were only 47 dollars.  My credit card bill just came in with the total charges for the rental car at 1029.00.

My husband and I were completely exhausted and in pain when we got off the flight. Some how we agreed to all of these charges. That is what the customer service woman said but it still amazes me. There were items on that bill that I never would have agreed to like road side safety. I have AAA so why would I?

Lesson learned just never do this stuff when you are tired and then check over and over again. I am sure that I bear some responsibility here but I am also sure that all was not made perfectly clear. Yikes!


  1. FIGHT IT!! If you have the price from Dollar, you can easily fight that with your credit card. That stinks you have to go through that. Make sure you write...don't call. good luck

  2. Fight it. I use to travel a lot for business and the rental car companies were the biggest crooks a the airport. They prey on people and I really hate those type of predators.

  3. I agree,...fight it ! I had this happen to me in San Diego & had to drop it off & catch a plane,..so I didn't have a lot of time to get into it with them before I left. I continued on via phone & e-mail once back home. It was tedious, time consuming, & annoying but I was successful. Good luck,...what B.S.

  4. The problem is that I do not have my copies of the records. I am going to insist that they send me an itemized copy and tell my credit card not to pay. I suppose I could also write the better business association.

  5. Sue the bastards! Seriously, did you pay with a major credit card. Don't pay the credit card bill. Call card company and start a dispute. I've done it a number of times, and in 99% of the cases the other party has backed down. You don't need documentation..let the credit card company do the work.

    good luck!
